Try saying that 5 times fast!  According to the Orlando Sentinel, Walt Disney World® Resort is poised to roll out a new refillable mug program at its resorts called Rapid Fill.  This program will be rolled out in phases beginning with Disney’s All Star Resorts self-service beverage stations in July with other Disney resorts following soon thereafter.  The Rapid Fill refillable mugs will be imbedded with RFID(Radio Frequency Identification) chips that will enable the user to use the mugs at any resort for a defined period of time during their resort stay.

mugs1       So how much will it cost?

1 day stay:  $8.99

2 day stay: $11.99

3 day stay: $14.99

                   4 day to length of stay: $18.99


Currently, a refillable mug is available in one of Disney’s resorts is approximately $15.49 for length of stay making the new Rapid Fill mug system a clear winner for those with shorter stays at Disney resorts.

Users of these new mugs will be able to see how many days they have left on their mugs on an LCD screen when they fill their mugs.   The day ends at 11:59pm no matter what time you activate your mug.  So if you activate your mug at 8pm, your Day 1 will end at 11:59pm that same evening.

The mugs will continue to be included with the Magic Your Way® Package Plus Dining options giving vacationers even more incentive to choose a dining plan. These mugs will be able to be used at the refillable beverage stations at any of the Disney resorts.  This is a change from previous versions of the refillable mug program where use was restricted to the resort from which the mug was purchased.

So what do you think?  Will you be purchasing a Rapid Fill mug on your next Disney trip?

Personally speaking, on our next trip we will be getting the new Rapid Fill mugs with our dining plan to add to our collection!  Our family definitely needs a few more.  😉





Erika has been a Travel Specialist with Wishing Well Travel since 2013, you can email her at Erika at, find her on Facebook or Request a Quote from her online.